2016年2月7日 星期日

Request to distribute article (應扎西卓瑪仁波且的請求,現轉發她拜見旺扎上尊的紀實)

Request to distribute article 

The International Buddhism Sangha Association:

I was most fortunate to have a chance to pay my respects to the noble Wang Zha Shang Zun and receive a most wonderful teaching from him. Because of his great compassion and mercy in giving me his wisdom concerning an important dharma matter, I now have a deeper understanding and appreciation for the dharma that I practice and my cultivation. I would like to share this truth with others. I have already distributed the attached article that I wrote about this event to the readers of the Holy Vajrasana Temple's Newsletter and to my students whom I could reach by email or WeChat. I would like to request that IBSA further distribute the attached to their extensive mailing list so that even more people can share the good news and benefit and let more people know the greatness and inconceivable virtue of Wang Zha Shang Zun. Of course, I am not capable of using words to express the supremacy of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, who is both Wang Zha Shang Zun's and my master.

The most holy Wang Zha Shang Zun is truly great. His profound wisdom, humility, and kindness serve as an example for us all! Amitabha!

Many blessings to all for the coming New Year, Zhaxi Zhuoma.









This February Newsletter of the Holy Vajrasana Temple & Retreat Center is devoted entirely to Abbot Zhaxi Zhuoma Rinpoche's personal opportunity to pay respect to Wang Zha Shang Zun after she participated in the Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue Dharma Assembly and the precious dharma that she received as a result of that meeting. Because of its importance to both Chinese and English-speaking disciples, this Newsletter will be provided in both English and Chinese.


To my disciples and other friends of the Xuanfa Institute:


Since the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters (UIWBAH) article recently appeared concerning the September Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue Dharma Assembly, many of you have asked me what the most excellent and great holy Wang Zha Shang Zun is like. In addition to successfully conducting this amazing and very high level ceremony to determine who was and who was not an authentic incarnation of a Buddha, he is a most impressive and powerful elder man who is worthy of our respect. I have met many dharma kings of different sects, but no one is like Wang Zha Shang Zun. His power and virtue surpass all of them.


After the ceremony, I had the extreme good fortune to meet an attendant of his who speaks English and requested to prostrate to the Shang Zun, which to my surprise, was granted. It is very difficult to meet him. The Assistant told me that, to date, probably less than 100 persons in the U.S. have had the good fortune to meet him privately. The attendant took me to the place where this great mahasattva was staying. I was very excited to be able to see him again. Wang Zha Shang Zun mostly speaks Tibetan, but I am told he can also speak Mandarin Chinese. His voice was as I had remembered from the ceremony. Seeing him up close, I realize that he is probably over six feet tall and in excellent health. I had guessed that he must be at least sixty as I knew he had spent 45 years in seclusion in Tibet, but from his appearance guessed he could be even younger. His attendant told me that Shang Zun had already turned 93. He is very spirited and looked like and had the energy and bearing of a much younger man. As for his appearance, he has a most remarkable full beard, large kind eyes, bushy eyebrows, a rectangular face, and is bald. I was reminded of images of Bodhidharma, the "barbarian" with such a beard and eyebrows who went to China from India, only Wang Zha Shang Zun is considerably more handsome than the great patriarch of Zen is usually portrayed to be. However, what is most impressive is his incredible modesty and humility. This is what it is like to be in the presence of a great holy being!


I had wanted to meet him to express my gratitude for the empowerment I received at the Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue Dharma Assembly, but also just to show my respect because I knew that only someone of very high attainment could have performed that dharma. When I offered him prostrations, he would always tell me to prostrate instead to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. His attendant told me that this holder of three gold buttons at a Shang Zun level always carried an image of the Buddha Master with him and did this. When he went back to his living space, the first thing he would do was to put H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III's image and Shakyamuni Buddha's image in a high place and make offerings to them. I again prostrated, but it was just as before. Wang Zha said, "The Buddha Master is here. You should prostrate to the Buddha Master. How can I accept your prostrations?" The other dharma kings I have met always accepted and even arrogantly awaited my prostrations while silently seating on their throne. Wang Zha Shang Zun is certainly the top chief great dharma king among all dharma kings, but he is still so humble. I was very touched. Again I realized how very, very fortunate I am.


Wang Zha Shang Zun is very easy to communicate with and very amiable. Every sentence he says with a smile. He also provided me with hot tea having his assistant serve me using traditional China teacups. I accepted the teacup and put it aside on the table. Wang Zha then told me that "the quality of this tea is not very good. It comes from Tibet and is called Old Eagle Tea". However, the fragrance of the tea, was so wonderful that it betrayed his humble portrayal. I requested from Wang Zha Shang Zun how to practice the Green Tara Mirror Altar Dharma (Jing Tan Fa). The Shang Zun said, "First you have to have a good mirror. Then you get the dharma transmitted through holy inner tantric initiation. The most important thing is that you should practice according to the Buddha Master's teachings, and let all people know that they should do good and cease evil. It is then very easy to succeed with this dharma. But you should decide by yourself if you want to practice this dharma. The Buddha Master proposed that we should cultivate ourselves and opposed the miraculous. I am not telling you to practice this Green Tara Altar Dharma."


The time flew by so quickly. My mouth was dry and I realized I needed to drink the tea, but when I lifted the cup, the cup is so heavy it is as if it were glued to the table. I couldn't move it even when I exerted a lot of force. I was so surprised. I put that cup on the table. How can I now not lift it? This time Wang Zha Shang Zun saw what was happening and told me, "It is no use to use force. Force cannot lift it. You have to use your mind to lift it. When your mind is not attached to anything, everything will follow your mind." Then Wang Zha Shang Zun asked me to lift it again. Very strange. It was as if it was weightless. I easily lifted it and also when I opened the cover of the cup, there is a moving image like a video in the cover. I clearly saw a picture of one of my fellow brothers from the past and a moment when I was in Japan. It was very clear, but it quickly started to disappear. I was really surprised. I used my eyes to follow the cover. After a while it completely disappeared. Then Shang Zun said. "Any object can be used as a mirror." So I suddenly understood why my mind and my cultivation are so important and cannot be replaced by anything else.


I pray that each of you take advantage of this most fortunate fact that the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha is living in this world now and practice the Dharma that you learn. I also pray that you all quickly become accomplished.


Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III! Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!


A very ashamed and fortunate disciple, Zhaxi Zhuoma prostrates and offers special thanks to Wang Zha Shang Zun for teaching her this important lesson.





  從最近聯合國際世界佛教總部關於九月份舉行的金剛法曼擇決法會的文章問世以來,你們中的許多人向我問到最優秀的大聖者旺扎上尊的情況,除了成功地舉行這場了不起和非常高級的決定誰是和誰不是佛陀的真身轉世的儀式外,他是一位值得我們尊敬的非常有威儀和威力的長者。 我遇見過許多不同宗派的法王,但沒有一個是像旺扎上尊那樣的,他的功夫和品德超過他們的所有人。


  在儀式後,我極其幸運地遇見他的一位講英語的侍者而要求向上尊請示並出乎我意料地得到准許。要見到他是非常難的,侍者告訴我至當時為止在美國有如此幸運而個別見到他的人可能不到100位。這位侍者把我帶到這位大摩訶薩所在的地方,能再次見到他使我非常激動。旺扎上尊大部份講藏語,但我被告知他也會講漢語的普通話,他的嗓音是我記得在儀式上所聽到的。在近距離見到他,我發現他身高超過6英尺,非常健康。因為我知道他曾在西藏閉關45年,我曾經猜想他至少有60歲,但從他的相貌猜想的話,他可能更年輕。他的侍者告訴我上尊已經93歲了,他非常精神而且看上去像一位年輕得多的人和具有與那相符的年齡的能量和氣宇。至於他的相貌,他有一部非常引人注目的鬍鬚、充滿善意的大眼睛、濃密的眉毛、長方臉型和禿頂,使我聯想到那位從印度到中國的具有這樣的鬍鬚和眉毛的"野蠻人"菩提達摩的形象,唯一的分別是旺扎上尊比通常描述中的那位禪宗的大祖師英俊得多。然而, 令人印象最深刻的是他的令人難以置信的虛心和謙遜,這是一位大聖者所在的情形!





















Request to distribute article (應扎西卓瑪仁波且的請求,現轉發她拜見旺扎上尊的紀實)



美國舊金山瑪倉寺官網 http://www.macangmonastery.org


世界瑪倉噶舉派聯絡資訊: https://www.macangpaifoxuehui.org/zh-TW/contact3/index

瑪倉派佛學會各分會聯絡資訊: https://www.macangpaifoxuehui.org/zh-TW/contact2/index






#多杰羌佛 第三世

本文來源網址:Request to distribute article (應扎西卓瑪仁波且的請求,現轉發她拜見旺扎上尊的紀實)


本文連結網址:Request to distribute article (應扎西卓瑪仁波且的請求,現轉發她拜見旺扎上尊的紀實)


2016年2月6日 星期六




首頁 > 綜合要聞



  金剛法曼擇決法是怎樣等級的法會呢?根據召開兩場擇決佛陀真身法會的聯合國際世界佛教總部的說明,金剛法曼擇決法是用來擇定一切聖者的真假、屬於勝義性的無上大法之一,在此世界中,祂與先知預言品列為擇決法之魁首,其次是勝義內密的「百法明門黑關擇決」法,再次為內密的打卦神諭,再其次才是外密的金瓶掣 籤、轉糌粑丸、觀湖認物等。該金剛法曼擇決和先知預言是「他」、「自」擇決法之頂首,此法至少必須大摩訶薩方能掌持,故決無巨聖之外的任何大法王、尊者們 持有,包括能作內密灌頂的教尊級大法王、大尊者也無資格掌持。莫知教尊說:「我雖然剛剛步入掌持內密灌頂之門,但是金剛法曼擇決法連邊都還沒有摸到,必須是已經掌持到勝義內密灌頂并接近境行灌頂的道行才可以舉行金剛法曼擇決,否則是做夢也不可能的。」

  為什麼要舉行這場金剛法曼擇決佛陀真身的法會呢?根據聯合國際世界佛教總部的記實文字,其緣起是建立在世界上非常多的佛教徒,想恭請南無第三世多杰羌佛三年前返老回春的對比照片,但第三世多杰羌佛不同意,祂認為這是一個普通照片,大家拿去沒有任何意義,一直堅持到了三年後的二○一五年,聯合國際世界佛教總部好不容易做通了工作,第三世多杰羌佛才同意把祂的兩張照片不收分文捐贈給聯合國際世界佛教總部,但提出聯合國際世界佛教總部只能低價給想要的人,不能以此照片盈利。二○一五年十月底,聯合國際世界佛教總部向全世界發行了南無第三世多杰羌佛還老回春的對比照片,吉祥殊 勝,法喜充滿。


  可惜的是,南無第三世多杰羌佛在照片底端注上了文說,要求必須附在照片的下面,主題是說,祂是一個跟大家一樣的普通人,不是聖人,沒有過人之處,祂不懂返老回春法,是一位長老給祂的一劑藥起的臨時現象。聯合國際世界佛教總部說,事實上,我們很多人親眼見到,大法王中的泰斗旺扎上尊就曾經當眾修法加持,僅僅十幾分鐘,就讓六十餘歲的老人回春到了三十歲左右,旺扎上尊以此來證明佛法裡就是有返老回春法的事實,上尊說:「佛陀師父是宇宙,我只是一塊小石粒子,我都能加持行人臨時的返老回春,羌佛高過我百千萬倍的道行,你們能相信佛陀師父是普通人嗎?」旺扎上尊儘管證明了,但是鑒於佛陀說出祂是與大家一樣的普通人這種話以後,造成世界上非常多的善根聰慧差一點的佛弟子們感到彷徨不知所措,無法決意,十分壓力,大家一致認為,從科學和因果的角度來看,在這世界上哪裡有十幾分鐘的時間就突然五官全部更新返老回春的神藥呢?而且三年已經過去了,羌佛的臉上照常沒有一條皺紋,潔嫩肌膚 白裡透紅,美艷英俊莊嚴,這除了佛陀,哪裡是菩薩能有此極美殊勝呢?藥物又焉能為之?更況僅憑羌佛顯密圓通、五明登峰的成就,在佛史上就找不到哪一位聖者 能與之品評的,查史、上網,詳找之後確實一個也找不出來!羌佛怎麼沒有過人之處?普通人更是連羌佛的邊際都不著,羌佛怎麼會是普通人呢?但另一方面,因為 是佛陀講的話,難道不聽嗎?為此,愚迷者一頭霧水,不知該如何辦?造成行人們這種壓力後,聯合國際世界佛教總部經研究決定,為了給佛教徒們一個正確的答復,為了利益眾生,只能對佛陀行之不恭了。由金釦三段以上巨聖德旺扎上尊主持金剛法曼,修法擇決真假佛陀的本源。很多行人為此想了解金剛法曼擇決佛陀的法 會狀況。現報導如下:

  二○一五年九月五日,歷史上神聖莊嚴的以「金剛法曼法擇決」佛陀大法會再次拉開了序幕,旺扎上尊聖駕親臨壇城,與在場迎接,禮敬現觀作證的大聖德莫知教尊和聯合國際世界佛教總部主席祿東贊法王、總部秘書長開初孺尊、國際佛教僧尼總會總住持證達上人、阿寇拉摩大活佛等幾 十名高僧、仁波且、大德相互合掌道安後升座法臺。

  為了公正面對,首先擇決印證的是南無釋迦牟尼佛,法章上寫道:「敬祈擇決印證釋迦牟尼佛如果是真正佛陀,依法髮曼加冠,若不是真正佛陀,不予加冠」。先將釋迦牟尼佛像放在一普通的四條腳的棕黑色平板桌子上,再捻一撮恆河砂,其色澤為淡駝絨色,放在釋迦牟尼佛佛像頭頂髮處。經旺扎上尊在約四米遠的法臺上開始作法,敲響木魚、搖鈴、打杵、手印、頌咒,燒了十二道黃文書後,大家就在眼面前看到,果然放在佛頂髮處的恆河砂開始散開來,神變莫測,而每一粒砂此時都有了生命,各自行動神變成立體的髮絲狀髮冠,非常自然美妙地直立在釋迦牟尼佛的 頭頂上,現出佛陀頂髻髮曼加冠,當場印證了南無釋迦牟尼佛是真正的佛陀。緊接著在同一張桌臺上,擇決的是第三世多杰羌佛,法章上寫著「敬祈擇決印證第三世多杰羌佛如果是始祖報身佛多杰羌佛應世,依法髮曼加冠,如果不是真正佛陀,不予加冠」,果然在旺扎上尊如前無二修法,最後燒完了十二道文書後,原本平捻在第三世多杰羌佛頭頂髮上的淡駝絨色恆河砂,突然神變長高,每粒細砂相互連接成線條絲狀的頭髮絲在空中立起不倒,很快自動打成了髮曼,第三世多杰羌佛像戴上了立體的佛陀頂髻髮冠,印證了南無第三世多杰羌佛是真正的佛陀應世!最後擇決的是印證禪宗六祖慧能大師是否為佛陀化身,法章上寫到「敬祈擇決印證六祖慧能如果是佛陀化身依法髮曼加冠,如果不是佛陀化身,不予加冠」,結果旺扎上尊如前修法後,最後燒了十二道文書,大家看到捻在慧能祖師頭頂上的淡駝絨色恆河砂紋絲不動,沒有 任何變化,終結印證出了慧能祖師不是佛陀化身。然後只得降級,再接著擇決慧能祖師是不是大菩薩轉世,法章上寫道:「敬祈擇決印證 六祖慧能如果是大菩薩轉世者,依法髮曼加冠,若不夠菩薩資格,不予加冠」,經旺扎上尊修法後,果然慧能大師的頭上戴上了法冠,石砂變成了髮冠,但是因為慧 能祖師並不是佛陀或等妙覺菩薩,所以依法規其恆河砂化顯的髮冠不是立向空中的,而是平面的,但是非常自然天成結構,絕非人力可為。

  兩場法會歷時五個多小時。為明瞭金剛法曼擇決加冠的殊勝和真實無比性,每一位參加法會會的尊者、法王、仁波切、大法師,法師、大居士等人,每一人都參加一 項用恆河砂加冠法像的測驗,結果,不論是金釦二段、金扣一段、藍釦三段的聖德,在現場都沒有一個有能力讓恆河砂加冠佛像,毫無神變佛力,證明這金剛法曼擇 決大法,除了金扣三段,三星日月輪以上的巨聖德能修,餘下的皆不具修成的道行。

  旺扎上尊對此場修法非常自責,他說他修為膚淺,無功無德,是自身業力所造成,沒有把擇決法修圓滿。其實是在法會過程中,觀禮中的有極少數幾個人,業力浮現,亂律殿堂,見境之下興奮難控,大吼大叫,你推我拉,造成輕慢聖法,未能達到徹底殊勝,因此旺扎上尊下決心修第二場法會。第二場法會由祿東贊法王代旺扎 上尊作了紀律規定,宣佈在場諸人可以近前觀看,但不准與會者高聲喧嘩、推拉他人,只能一心恭敬,近前展觀。果然一經旺扎上尊作法,第二場的法會圓滿成功, 殊勝無比,再次印證了釋迦牟尼佛是真正佛陀,第三世多杰羌佛是始祖佛多杰羌佛應世,捻在頭頂的淡駝絨色恆河砂神變莫測,從散髮冠到披頭髮冠,從粗毛冠變成細毛冠,砂與砂之間空白空間之間或疏或密,該留空間的地方,砂絕不站在那裡,也絕不會大家擁擠在一堆,每一粒砂都有獨立的生命,有的行走其快無比,剎那到位,有的漫步行走,有的轉彎道而行,有的走過頭又反折回來,有的從下爬到頂上,一顆接一顆,變成一條一條的髮絲,直立上空而不倒,神奇到了極點,最終打髻 成為圓滿的佛陀報身冠。當旺扎上尊一彈手印,突然髮絲倒下成了砂堆,髮絲蹤影全無,上尊法旨把此恆河沙(作法後成了金剛砂)分發給在場諸人,每位參加法會 者都當場分到了呈現真身佛陀聖冠的金剛砂。




發佈日期: 2016-01-27 09:02:57








美國舊金山瑪倉寺官網 http://www.macangmonastery.org


世界瑪倉噶舉派聯絡資訊: https://www.macangpaifoxuehui.org/zh-TW/contact3/index

瑪倉派佛學會各分會聯絡資訊: https://www.macangpaifoxuehui.org/zh-TW/contact2/index






#多杰羌佛 第三世











美國舊金山瑪倉寺官網 http://www.macangmonastery.org
世界瑪倉噶舉派聯絡資訊: https://www.macangpaifoxuehui.org/zh-TW/contact3/index
瑪倉派佛學會各分會聯絡資訊: https://www.macangpaifoxuehui.org/zh-TW/contact2/index

2016年2月4日 星期四

Who Is His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III?

Who Is His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III?

Five Key Points about the Buddhist Spiritual Leader
Buddhism is among the largest religions in this world. The original founder of Buddhism and the religion’s highest spiritual leader in the universe is Dorje Chang Buddha. He is worshiped by all major sects and schools of Buddhism as the earliest primordial Buddha.
Buddhists belong to a religious belief that understands the universe’s nature of no-birth and no-annihilation and human beings’ original nature of true such-ness are one and the same. They believe in the cycle of transmigration driven by the law of cause and effect. They believe that after one’s biological death, the spirit or soul will incarnate and be reborn into a new being. In the case of the primordial Buddha, He has now incarnated to this world for the third time as His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III. The highest spiritual leader in Buddhism alive today currently lives in the United States of America.
His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is not one who seeks publicity. Even when awarded the Presidential Gold Award, the Dr. Martin Luther King Legacy Award for International Service and Leadership, and many other prestigious prizes, He did not attend the award ceremonies to receive the prizes in person. He is well known for loving-kindness and compassion, and has made a vow of only helping others and never accepting any offerings from anyone.
However, His accomplishments and accolades are widely-reported. The following are five of the most interesting things that you may not have known about His Holiness the Buddha:
International Buddhism Sangha Association
1. Buddhism classifies all material and spiritual matters and knowledge in the universe into five aspects. Complete mastery of these five aspects is called having realized the Five Vidyas (vidya is a Sanskrit word meaning brightness). Buddhas and Bodhisattvas must possess the Five Vidyas. The Five Vidyas include: the Vidya of Casuality, the Vidya of Healing, the Vidya of Sound, the Vidya of Craftsmanship, and the Vidya of Inner Realization. Looking through the entire history of Buddhism, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first holy one to perfectly manifest real accomplishments in the Five Vidyas, meeting the highest standard of Buddhism. For this reason and more, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is the one and only individual in history to receive recognitions and corroborating recognitions from over 60 of the highest present-day dharma kings and regent dharma kings from various Buddhist sects.
2. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was awarded the Top Honor Prize during the World Peace Prize Ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on June 14, 2011. The World Peace Prize is an initiative to promote world peace and understanding between different nations, ethnicities, cultures and religions.His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was recognized for receiving this Top Honor Prize by the 112th Congress in U.S. Senate Res. 614, commending His Holiness the Buddha for his role in advancing peace, justice and inter-religious collaboration.
3. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III has long been an internationally renowned artist. His paintings are not limited by subject or themes and are of many types, from water-ink paintings to oil paintings. Specifically, the subject matters include human figures, animals, flowers and birds, mountain and water scenes, fish, insects, and so on. Within the wide range of styles, there is fine brushwork, drawing with lines and strings, splash-ink, bold freehand brushwork, small freehand brushwork, and others. Altogether, He created 16 unique painting styles or schools, representing an unprecedented pioneering achievement in the history of art. His paintings are on permanent exhibition at the International Art Museum of America in San Francisco, the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Cultural and Art Museum in Los Angeles County, and other art museums. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III’s paintings are extremely valuable and rare. As early as in 2000, His artworks were sold for more than two million U.S. dollars each. He became the artist whose paintings commanded the highest prices compared to the prices for paintings created by all ancient and modern Chinese artists. Last March, an ink painting of His was sold at the New York Spring Auction for $16.5 million, which was the highest price realized at the 2015 Spring Auction of all artworks by ancient and modern artists worldwide. He is the world’s first inventor to create a class of artworks that cannot be duplicated by anyone or with any method — Yun Sculpture. Only after that, the world now has un-duplicable artworks. Experts predict that His paintings will become increasingly valuable as His Holiness plans to focus solely on Buddhist activities.
4. In 2011, the then Mayor of Washington, D.C., Vincent Gray, proclaimed January 19th as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Day.” The mayor called on D.C. residents to join him in saluting “His selfless and exceptional work to spread the word of peace to all those in His presence.” The Unites States Postal Service also issued a commemorative cover in celebration of “His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III Day.”
5. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha is a Fellow of Britain’s Royal Academy of Arts, making Him the first internationally distinguished artist appointed to a Fellowship in the Academy’s history of more than 200 years. The title of Fellow was awarded by the Academy’s President, Phillip King, at a ceremony in the British Embassy in Washington.
Unless you are an astute follower of Buddhism, you may not have known that His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III has been recognized as the third incarnation of the original Buddha. His accomplishments clearly transcend religion, healing, art, philosophy, and literature. He continues to devote His time to a wide scope of cultural, religious, and various other domains directed at helping people in communities across the globe. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III has made the following vow: “I will bear all of the karmic offenses committed by living beings, and I will give everyone all of the good karma and merit that I plant.” His Holiness the Buddha has been executing it exactly as is.
Steven Meyers received his bachelor’s degree in Chinese language from Brown University, where he graduated magna cum laude. After graduating, Mr. Meyers spent a year at the Stanford Center in Taiwan furthering his study of the Chinese language. Later, he received a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan and is now an attorney licensed to practice law in the state of California. He has been providing legal advice to California non-profit corporations since 1996. His current focus is translating Buddhist material from Chinese into English.
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